CHAMPION TECH is a registered telecommunication company that provide voice or data transmission service such as; Mobile Data, Cable Sub, Eletricity Bill Airtime ...

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Why Choose Us ?

Certain things are hard 😓 but making payments shouldn't be one of them 😋💗. CHAMPION TECH helps you make payments for services you enjoy right from the comfort of your home or office. The experience of total convenience,fast service delivery and easy payment is just at your fingertips..

  • Esay To Use

    Our service delivery and wallet funding is automated, your purchase are automated and get delivered to you at a blink of an eye.

  • Grow Your Revenue

    We have a fully optimized platform for reliability and dependability. You get 100% value for any transaction you carry out on our system.

  • 24/7 Supports

    Our customers are premium to us, hence satisfying them is our top most priority. Our customer service is just a click away available 24/7.

  • We Are Automated

    we use cutting-edge technology to run our service. Our data delivery and walet funding is automated. Airtime topup and data purchase are automated and get delivered to you almost instantly.

Awesome Features

Start working with that can provide everything you need to generate awareness, drive traffic, connect. Efficiently transform granular value with client-focused content.

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Become An Agent

Join our network of outstanding entrepreneurs patnering with network.com Bring the Network.com 'easy-payments' experience closer to your network and earn a commission for every transaction you perform for your customers... We offer our Referrers the best referral program incentives to encourage entrepreneurial and managerial skill acquisition; enhance growth and development and general empowerment among our students on campuses of higher learning and youths in diaspora. Finally, to promote technology via the use of ICT tools in our society..

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